England Cricket asked Class to help design a new website for their recreational cricket initiative Play-Cricket.

Play-Cricket is a collection of online websites and apps that allows cricket players, teams and clubs to manage recreational games to enhance the cricket experience. Play-Cricket products host player data of 100,000 recreational cricketers and over 6,000 recreational clubs.

Designing the user’s journey through a website helps focus on calls to action and ensures that the design works for the audience. Class worked with the Play-Cricket team to create user flows and page structure across the website design. The new web design engages with different audiences acting as a gateway to Play-Cricket’s four core apps; Live, Scorer, PCS Pro scoring software, and Player Comms.

Play-Cricket continues to grow it’s following amongst the recreational cricket community. In 2019 the app topped over 160,000 matches totalling in excess of 100 million pages views.

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